While CBD has grabbed most of the attention and headlines in recent years, CBG is increasingly showing up in articles and research studies. As mentioned above, most cannabinoids begin their “lives” as the molecule Cannabigerol, so it is not surprising that a lot of the health benefits found in CBD and the like, are initially found in CBG too. As with all cannabinoids, scientific research is ongoing, but early evidence indicates that CBG is most effective in the treatment of emotional issues and in helping to promote homeostasis and overall gut health.
CBG increases levels of anandamide, a fatty acid messenger molecule that helps regulate processes and responses involving memory, depression, appetite, and pain.1 It can also act as a GABA reuptake inhibitor, easing symptoms of anxiety.2,3 Our Keylife CBG Tincture is thus a powerful tool in potentially reducing depression, improving levels of mental focus, and helping to boost your overall mood.
Like all of our high-quality Keylife products, our CBG Tincture starts out life as a carefully monitored cannabis plant, grown right here in the U.S. in Portland, Oregon. We select only the healthiest and most potent plants, and raise them in an organic fashion, free from pesticides, additives, heavy metals, and GMOs. Extraction is completed by sending super-critical CO2 through the harvested and trimmed plant matter to extract the cannabinoids from the terpenes, lipid molecules, and other plant compounds. Super-critical CO2 simply means that the CO2 is both extremely cold and high in pressure (approximately -69º F and 75 pounds PSI)4, allowing it to exist as both a gas and liquid simultaneously, which helps it pass through the plant material more easily and with greater impact on the contents. The CO2 acts as a solvent on the plant matter, helping it to breakdown, before being removed altogether, leaving behind a full spectrum extract5 that is then further processed in the next step to becoming the broad-spectrum extract that we seek. While CO2 tends to be a more costly extraction method, we think it results in the finest quality and highest yields of cannabinoids possible.
We then combine our Broad-Spectrum CBG extract with unfiltered, cold-pressed hemp seed oil. We use hemp oil, instead of the traditional choice of MCT or coconut oil, because it is high in unsaturated fat, which can help reduce cholesterol levels, and incredibly nutritious for you. It is just one extra way we can provide your body with additional benefits and produce a better overall product.
Throughout the entire manufacturing process, we perform our own testing to ensure quality assurance. But upon final bottling, we also implement independent, third-party lab testing to make sure we are accurate in all of our product and ingredient claims. Because we believe that the best way to earn your trust is simply by producing affordable, boutique-quality products and then clearly showing you what they contain. All lab results are available either for viewing on our website or via a request with any of our friendly and knowledgeable sales representatives.
Keylife CBG tinctures are all-natural, organic, vegan friendly, and gluten-free, so you can rest easy knowing you are only receiving the best possible product for your money. And because we only use broad-spectrum CBG, you can also have the peace of mind of knowing that your tincture contains 0% THC.
Available in a 1fl. Oz size, each bottle of Keylife CBG Tincture holds 30 individual servings of 1ml doses, with 33.33mg of CBG contained within each dose. To maintain the maximum levels of purity and efficacy, we do not add any additional flavorings, instead opting for a more traditional “Hemp/Natural” profile.
If you have found that your levels of anxiety or stress have become overwhelming, or if you suffer from ongoing gastrointestinal discomfort or digestion issues, try our Keylife CBG, for a powerful tool from a knowledgeable cannabinoid company you can trust.
FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program.
- De Petrocellis L, Ligresti A, Moriello AS, Allarà M, Bisogno T, Petrosino S, Stott CG, Di Marzo V. “Effects of cannabinoids and cannabinoid-enriched Cannabis extracts on TRP channels and endocannabinoid metabolic enzymes.” British Journal of Pharmacology, November 2010.
- Russo EB, Marcu J. “Cannabis Pharmacology: The Usual Suspects and a Few Promising Leads.” National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Advances in Pharmacology, June 2017.
- “GABA Reuptake Inhibitors List.” Mental Health Daily, December 2014.
- “The Benefits of CO2 Extraction for Making CBD Oil.” PureKana, May 2017.
- “How is CBD Oil Made?” Echo Connection, July 2017.
- Gyires K, Zádori ZS. “Role of Cannabinoids in Gastrointestinal Mucosal Defense and Inflammation.” US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Current Neuropharmacology, November 2016.
- Valdeolivas S, Navarrete C, Cantarero I, Bellido ML, Muñoz E, Sagredo O. “Neuroprotective properties of cannabigerol in Huntington’s disease: studies in R6/2 mice and 3-nitropropionate-lesioned mice.” National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Neurotherapeutics, January 2015.
- Borrelli F, Pagano E, Romano B, Panzera S, Maiello F, Coppola D, De Petrocellis L, Buono L, Orlando P, Izzo AA. “Colon carcinogenesis is inhibited by the TRPM8 antagonist cannabigerol, a Cannabis-derived non-psychotropic cannabinoid.” National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Carcinogenesis, December 2014.
- Tomida I, Pertwee RG, Azuara-Blanco A. “Cannabinoids and glaucoma.” US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, British Journal of Ophthalmology, May 2004.
- Doheny K. “CBD as a Superbug Antibiotic?” WebMD Health News, June 2019.
- Appendino G, Gibbons S, Giana A, Pagani A, Grassi G, Stavri M, Smith E, Rahman MM. “Antibacterial cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: a structure-activity study.” National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Journal of Natural Products, August 2008.
Broad Spectrum CBG – Organic, pesticide, and heavy metal-free. Grown and processed in the U.S. in Portland, Oregon.
Cold-Pressed Hempseed Oil – Used to suspend the CBG extract, allowing it to be more easily absorbed into your system via the use of fat cells. High in nutritional benefits such as unsaturated fat content, which helps to reduce to a build-up of cholesterol in the body.
Emotional Regulation
CBG influences neural receptors in the brain, assisting in maintaining normal brain chemistry and the regulation of emotions, allowing you to manage or decrease daily levels of issues such as stress or anxiety. CBG can act on specific receptors in the brain to help regulate serotonin and GABA uptake, which then helps mediate synaptic activity in the brain. CBG also increases the amount of anandamide produced by the body. Anandamide is a fatty acid messenger molecule that helps to manage and regulate systems within the body that handle our memory, how we respond to depression, and our appetite and pain levels.1,2,3 |
Gastrointestinal Homeostasis
CBG can boost endocannabinoid production deficiencies and reduce swelling and help in the prevention of inflammation in the gut, colon, and bowels. It does so by helping to regulate the health and levels of mucus within our digestive system, which can impact the swelling and discomfort we experience. CBG has shown evidence of reducing the impacts of gastric acid and gastric motor activity and the effects of internal lesions within the digestive system.6 |
Neuroprotective Benefits
CBG also appears to assist in the antioxidant processes in the brain and in helping to prevent the early deterioration of nerve cells that can eventually lead to the onset of such conditions as Huntington’s disease.7 |
Carcinogenesis Inhibition
One of the more recent and exciting discoveries by scientists regarding CBG is that it seems to act as a possible inhibitor of carcinogenesis, or the process by which the body produces cancer cells. A 2014 study found that CBG was shown to slow the rate of carcinogenesis in colon cancer sufferers. While studies are still in their infancy, it just shows how many potential benefits this “parent cannabinoid” could hold.8 |
Ocular Pressure
CBG can assist in regulating the pressure within our eyes and the potential build-up of fluid that follows, in turn reducing the likelihood of diminished vision or issues such as Glacuoma.9 |
Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties
Studies have shown that CBG can act as a potent antibacterial and antifungal agent, aiding in the elimination of strains such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. CBG can also help antibiotic drugs to permeate biofilm, the layer that surrounds the exterior of many bacteria that slows the absorption of drugs typically used to eliminate them. In addition, cannabinoids may also have a significant impact against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or MRSA, implying they may be effective as an alternative to typically prescribed antibiotics that have a hard time eliminating this especially stubborn form of infection.10,11 |
Tinctures are administered orally, specifically sublingually, meaning they are placed under the tongue. Thanks to the numerous small veins under the tongue, referred to as capillaries, CBG, and other cannabinoids can be absorbed quickly and efficiently into the bloodstream. Ensuring you receive the most cannabinoids possible in the shortest amount of time possible.
To administer:
1) Shake tincture gently.
2) Remove the child-safety cap with a built-in pipette.
3) Squeeze the bulb of the pipette to fill one full dropper worth of liquid into the pipette, this should be approximately 20 drops or 1ml of liquid.
4) Drip and hold tincture under the tongue for 15 to 20 seconds before swallowing any remaining liquid.
5) Always wait approximately three hours after the initial dose to see how the level of CBG affects you.
6) Administer each dose, as needed before bedtime.
7) Upon dosing, always store your tinctures in a cool, dark location, out of the reach of children and pets.